Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jobs, Nice People, and Water Resource Management

     These are some photos that I have wanted to share, but didn't have room for them in other posts.

This was taken right before I went to my first, and only, job interview. I'm pretty positive I'll be teaching English and science to 10-12yr. olds at a British international school in Trujillo for the next two years. Exciting stuff!

Three or four hour before this photo was taken a man and his wife helped my friends and I find the correct trail while we were hiking outside of Huaraz. We ran into them as they were cultivating their fields on a mountain slope. They were so nice and helpful. At the end of our hike we ran into them again as they were taking their herd home for the night. 

The black thing in the right-hand corner of the photo is my camera strap. oops.

For Dad
These two photos are of a dam that begins an irrigation system set up to take water down the mountain to farmers' fields. The water that flows into reservoir in the top picture is from a naturally flowing stream that originates from melting snow and ice in upper elevations. 
The structure looked to be very new, yet without any sophisticated technology. As the irrigation ditches  run down the mountain gates can be opened and closed in different places to regulate which areas receive more water. Occasionally, I saw people turning off/on water to their fields. I wonder if there are ever any disputes as to who gets the water?


  1. matt,
    you're blog is awesome...makes me miss peru oh so much. congrats with the teaching gig!! i'm sure it will be fantastic...everything you hoped for. good luck with stuff!

  2. Bumper,
    Thanks for the photo of the water structure, it is most interesting. We are in the midst of designing a structure to do something similar - divert "first flush" stormater flow from a natural stream into a stormwater wetland for treatment and cleansing. Similar concept, different purpose. I'd like to see this one or similar ones when we come to visit.
    My love,
