Blogging is a great way to reflect as a teacher. And, as other teachers know, reflection is an important part in developing as a professional. I guess reflection is important for all of us regardless of what we are doing. My problem with it is that I am, always, so tired when I get home from school that I have no desire to blog/reflect. I know it is something I need to be doing, but jeez! It's the last thing I want to do after being at work for ten hours. Though, today I don't have an excuse. Today is a "feriado" (public holiday), for what, I have no idea. So, today I can catch up on my reflecting/blogging.
My first bimester at Fleming College has been a tough one. It seems that everyday I am learning to do something that I was already supposed to know how to do. Everyday is a struggle with classroom management. I have, pretty much, thrown out the classroom management I have learned in the US. My university taught me classroom management for students in the US (which makes sense), not foreign students. I feel as though I am starting from scratch in this area; and it is, definitely, taking its toll on me.
If you can't tell, I am very happy to have the first quarter of the year behind me. Now, I can go into the next quarter with more knowledge on how I want my weeks to be structured, grading, and projects. The classroom management aspect is still an enigma. How do you get twenty-four Peruvian sixth graders to stay in their seats, raise their hand, not talk when others are talking, and generally show respect for their teacher when all of the above are culturally acceptable? I have no idea, but I sure hope I figure it out soon.
Outside of school, things are going fine. I am still in the hostel, but I have a lead on an apartment that I will be checking out today. Walking down three flights of stairs every morning at 5am to make coffee is getting old. Plus, I feel bad when I come home and there are a bunch of people on vacation asking me twenty questions about my day when all I want to do is go to my room and be silent. Completely silent. Everyone I meet at the hostel is so nice, but it's difficult when you are on such a different wave length than they are. Next week I have a one week break from school, so I figuring out what I want to do. Should I stay in Haunchaco, take it easy, and surf? Should I take a week long surf trip up north? Or, should I go up into the Andes and do mountain stuff for three or four days? We'll see, but I am, definitely, leaning towards getting out of Huanchaco.
Also, I am preparing for the arrival of my parents in July and my cousin Carson in September. I have had great time Skyping with my parents and planning our trip to Machu Picchu. It will be infinitely better once they get down here for two weeks. Once my parents leave it will be no time before Carson gets down here. It will be great to see him and have a roommate for a while!
Another beautiful Pacific sunset. |
I went to another professional soccer match the other weekend. Peruvians and their love and devotion to soccer never ceases to amaze me. These games are so much fun! |